Profile Photo

Zehra Meral Ozsoyoglu

Professor Emeritus, Computer and Data Sciences Department
Office: 511 Olin
Phone Number: (216) 368-2818


Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Alberta, 1980
M.S., Computer Science, Middle East Technical University, 1975
B.S., Electrical Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 1973

Research Interests

Database query languages and query processing, data models, and index structures for scalable access and efficient querying for very large data, graph structured databases.

Teaching Interests

Database Systems, Files and search structures, Data Structures, Algorithms


Qiao, S., Koyutürk, M., & Ozsoyoglu, Z. M. (2016). Querying of Disparate Association and Interaction Data in Biomedical Applications. IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics, ().
Cicek, A., Qi, X., Cakmak, A., Johnson, S., Zhan, X., Alshalwi, S., ... Ozsoyoglu, T. (2014). An Online System for Metabolic Network Analysis. DATABASE journal, Oxford Press, ().
Qi, X., Ozsoyoglu, Z. M., & Ozsoyoglu, T. (2014). Matching Metabolites and Reactions in Different Networks. METHODS Journal, Elsevier Publishing, ().
Cheng, E., & Ozsoyoglu, Z. M. (2014). PATH-COUNTING FORMULAS FOR GENERALIZED KINSHIP COEFFICIENTS AND CONDENSED IDENTITY COEFFICIENTS . Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, ().
Coskun, M., Cicek, A., Lai, N., Dash, R., Ozsoyoglu, Z. M., & Ozsoyoglu, T. (2013). An online model composition tool for system biology models.. BMC systems biology, 7 (), 88.
Coskun, S., Cicek, A., Lai, N., Dash, R., Ozsoyoglu, Z. M., & Ozsoyoglu, T. (2013). An Online Model Composition Tool For System Biology Models. BMC Systems Biology Journal, 7 (88).
Coskun, M., Qi, X., Cakmak, A., Cheng, R., Cicek, A., Yang, L., ... Ozsoyoglu, Z. M. (2012). PathCase-SB: integrating data sources and providing tools for systems biology research.. BMC systems biology, 6 (1), 67.
Coskun, S., Qi, X., Cakmak, A., Cheng, E., Cicek, A., Yang, L., ... Ozsoyoglu, Z. M. (2012). PathCase-SB: integrating data sources and providing tools for systems biology research.. BMC Systems Biology Journal, 6 (67).
Cakmak, A., Qi, X., Coskun, M., Dashiell, M., Cheng, R., Cicek, A., ... Ozsoyoglu, Z. M. (2011). PathCase-SB architecture and database design.. BMC systems biology, 5 (), 188.
Cakmak, A., Qi, X., Coskun, S., Das, M., Cheng, E., Cicek, A., ... Ozsoyoglu, Z. M. (2011). PathCase-SB Architecture and Database Design. BMC Systems Biology Journal, 5 (9).
Yavas, G., Koyutürk, M., Ozsoyoglu, Z. M., Gould, M., & LaFramboise, T. (2009). An optimization framework for unsupervised identification of rare copy number variation from SNP array data. Genome Biol, 10 (10), R119.
Elliott, B., Kirac, M., Cakmak, A., Yavas, G., Mayes, S., Cheng, E., ... Ozsoyoglu, Z. M. (2009). Corrigendum for Elliott, B. et al.,‘PathCase pathways database system’, Bioinformatics, Nov. 2008, 24 (21), pp. 2526–2533.. Bioinformatics, 25 (20).
Elliott, B., Kirac, M., Cakmak, A., Yavas, G., Mayes, S., Cheng, E., ... Ozsoyoglu, Z. M. (2008). PathCase: pathways database system. Bioinformatics, 24 (21), 2526–2533.
Ozsoyoglu, Z. M., Nadeau, J., & Ozsoyoglu, T. (2003). Pathways database system. OMICS A Journal of Integrative Biology, 7 (1), 123–125.
Bozkaya, T., & Ozsoyoglu, Z. M. (1999). Indexing large metric spaces for similarity search queries. ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS), 24 (3), 361–404.
Haas, L., Mendelzohn, A., Ozsoyoglu, Z. M., Paredaens, J., Ramamntham, K., Roussopoulos, N., ... Yu, N. (1998). Reminescences on Influential Papers-R Snodgrass, ed. SIGMOD RECORD, 27 (), 81–85.
Kurt, A., & Ozsoyoglu, Z. M. (1996). Performance of recursive query processing methods in the presence of cycles. Information sciences, 91 (3), 147–192.
Kurt, A., & Ozsoyoglu, Z. M. (1995). Modeling Periodic Tame and Calendars. , ().
Bastani, F., Ozsoyoglu, Z. M., & Pissinou, N. (1994). Panel 1: The Role of AI Tools in Multimedia Information Systems. Proceedings, Sixth International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence: November 6-9, 1994, New Orleans, Louisiana, (), 226.
Shenoy, S., & Ozsoyoglu, Z. M. (1989). Design and implementation of a semantic query optimizer. Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, 1 (3), 344–361.
Ozsoyoglu, T., & Ozsoyoglu, Z. M. (1985). Statistical database query languages. Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, (10), 1071–1081.
Ozsoyoglu, Z. M., & Yu, C. (1980). On identifying a class of database queries that can be processed efficiently. Proc. IEEE COMPSAC Conference, (), 453–461.