Profile Photo

Fumi Takahashi

Professor Emeritus, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Develops fire safety technologies and investigates combustion phenomena for practical applications
Office: 613 Glennan
Phone Number: (216) 368-6838

Awards and Recognitions

2002, Associate Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Research Interests

Experimental and computational studies in the field of fire and combustion science and engineering; more specifically, flame stabilization, microgravity combustion, spacecraft/aircraft fire safety, fire suppression, halon replacement, passive fire protection, fire retardants, soot formation, smoke toxicity, sensors for firefighters, turbulent combustion, and laser diagnostics.

Teaching Interests

EMAE 457 Combustion EMAE/EMAC 464 Fire Protection Engineering EMAE 285 Mechanical Engineering Measurement Laboratory

Professional Leadership and Service

- PRESENT, Associate Fellow American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics


Takahashi, F., Katta, V., Babushok, V., & Linteris, G. (2020). Numerical and experimental studies of extinguishment of cup-burner flames by C6F12O. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, ().
Babushok, V., Katta, V., & Takahashi, F. (2020). Equivalence Ratio Influence on the Flame Suppression Concentration of 2-BTP and Novec 1230. Combustion Science and Technology, ().
Takahashi, F., Katta, V., & Babushok, V. (2020). Numerical and Experimental Studies of Extinguishment of Cup-Burner Flames by C6F12O. , ().
Takahashi, F. (2019). Whole-House Fire Blanket Protection From Wildland-Urban Interface Fires. Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, 5 (), 60.
Kang, J., Takahashi, F., & T�ien, J. (2019). Computer Tomography Based Structure Characterization of Expanded Intumescent Coatings for Fire Protection. Fire Technology, 55 (3), 689-712.
Takahashi, F., Katta, V., Linteris, G., & Babushok, V. (2019). Numerical study of gas-phase interactions of phosphorus-containing compounds with co-flow diffusion flames. Proceedings of The Combustion Institute, 37 (), 4145-4153.
Kang, J., Takahashi, F., & Tien, J. S. (2018). Computer tomography based structure characterization of expanded intumescent coatings for fire protection. Fire Technology, ().
DOI: 10.1007/s10694-018-0796-x
Kang, J., Takahashi, F., & T�ien, J. (2018). In situ thermal-conductivity measurements and morphological characterization of intumescent coatings for fire protection. Journal of Fire Sciences, 36 (5), 419-437.
Kang, J., Takahashi, F., & T�ien, J. (2018). In situ thermal-conductivity measurements and morphological characterization of intumescent coatings for fire protection. Journal of Fire Sciences, 36 (5), 419-437.
Takahashi, F., Katta, V., & Hicks, M. (2018). Cool-Flame Burning and Oscillations of Envelope Diffusion Flames in Microgravity. Microgravity Science and Technology, 30 (4), 339-351.
Takahashi, F., Katta, V., Linteris, G., & Babushok, V. (2018). Numerical study of gas-phase interactions of phosphorus-containing compounds with co-flow diffusion flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37 (3), 4145-4153.
DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2018.06.140
Takahashi, F., Katta, V., Linteris, G., & Babushok, V. (2017). A computational study of extinguishment and enhancement of propane cup-burner flames by halon and alternative agents. Fire Safety Journal, 91 (), 688-694.
Bouvet, N., Linteris, G., Babushok, V., Takahashi, F., Katta, V., & Krämer, R. (2016). A comparison of the gas-phase fire retardant action of DMMP and Br2 in co-flow diffusion flame extinguishment,. Combustion and Flame [00102180], 169 (), 340-348.
Giassi, D., Cao, S., Bennett, B., Stocker, D., Takahashi, F., Smooke, M., ... Long, M. (2016). Analysis of CH* concentration and flame heat release rate in laminar coflow diffusion flames under microgravity and normal gravity. Combustion and Flame [00102180], 167 (), 198-206.
Bouvet, N., Linteris, G., Babushok, V., Takahashi, F., Katta, V., & Krämer, R. (2016). Experimental and numerical investigation of the gas-phase effectiveness of phosphorus compounds: Gas-phase action of phosphorus flame retardants. Fire and Materials [03080501], 40 (5), 683-696.
Babushok, V., Linteris, G., Katta, V., & Takahashi, F. (2016). Influence of hydrocarbon moiety of DMMP on flame propagation in lean mixtures. Combustion and Flame [00102180], 171 (), 168-172.
Linteris, G., Babushok, V., Pagliaro, J., Burgess, J., Manion, J., Takahashi, F., ... Baker, P. (2016). Understanding overpressure in the FAA aerosol can test by C3H2F3Br (2-BTP). Combustion and Flame [00102180], 167 (), 452-462.
Takahashi, F., Katta, V., & Linteris, G. (2014). Combustion Inhibition and Enhancement of Cup-Burner Flames by CF3Br, C2HF5, C2HF3Cl2, and C3H2F3Br. Proceeding of the Combustion Institute, 35 (), 2741–2748.
Cao, S., Ma, B., Bennett, B., Giassi, D., Stocker, D., Takahashi, F., ... Smooke, M. (2014). Computational and Experimental Study of Coflow Laminar Diffusion Flames:Eects of Fuel Dilution, Inlet Velocity, and Gravity. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35 (), 897-903.
Ma, B., Cao, S., Giassi, D., Stocker, D., Takahashi, F., Bennett, B., ... Long, M. (2014). Experimental and Computational Study on Soot Formation in a Coflow Jet Flame under Microgravity and Normal Gravity. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35 (), 839-846.
Takahashi, F., Abbott, A., Murray, T., Tien, J. S., & Olson, S. (2013). Thermal response characteristics of fire blanket materials. Fire and Materials, 38 (), 609-638 .
Takahashi, F., Katta, V., Linteris, G., & Meier, O. (2013). Cup-Burner Flame Structure and Extinguishment by C2HF5 in Microgravity. Proceedings of The Combustion Institute, 34 (), 2707-2717.
Linteris, G., Babushok, V., Sunderland, P., Takahashi, F., Katta, V., & Meier, O. (2013). Unwanted Combustion Enhancement by C6F12O Fire Suppressant. Proceedings of The Combustion Institute, 34 (), 2683-2690.
Karnani, S., Dunn-Rankin, D., Takahashi, F., Yuan, Z., & Stocker, D. (2012). Simulated Gravity Using Electric Fields in Microgravity Combustion. Combustion Science and Technology, 184 (10-11), 1891-1902.
Linteris, G., Katta, V., Takahashi, F., Chelliah, H., & Meier, O. (2012). Stirred-Reactor Calculations to Understand Unwanted Combustion Enhancement by Potential Halon Replacements. Combustion and Flame, 159 (), 1016-1025.